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Waiver and Release of Liability

    This Release And Waiver Affects Your Legal Rights. Please Read It Very Carefully And Understand It Before You Sign.
    (Notice: This form is to be used for ALL Jet Skiing Tours & Boat trips & any related Water Sports Activities)
    In consideration of permitting me,

    (PRINT PARTICIPANT’S NAME IN FULL) to participate in boating/jet skiing activities and related operations conducted by

    through the facility of Jet Ski Tours Brisbane in the waters of Queensland, beginning on the

    1. I Hereby Acknowledge That Jet Skiing Is Potentially And Could Be Considered A Dangerous Activity And Involves The Risk Of Serious Injury And/or Death And/or Property Damage. I Further Acknowlegde That Jet Skiing Involves Certain Risks And Injuries That Can Occur Which Could Require Further Treatment In A Hospital Or Other Facility Which May Require Travel. I Understand That The Jet Ski River Tours And/or Open Water Boating Trips Which Are Necessary For Such Activities May Be Conducted At A Location That Is Remote Either By Time Or Distance Or Both From The Hospitalor Any Competent Medical Facilities Or Assistance. I Have Considered The Same And Agree To Proceed With The Activity Regardless Of These Issues. I Also Agree And Acknowledge That That There Are Risks Associated With Jet Skiing Including But Not Limited To Possible Serious Injury Or Death As A Result Of A Boat Accidents, Jet Skii Accidents Or Travel To And From The Sites. I Agree To Proceed And Accept And Expressly Assume All Responsibility, Risk, Dangers And Hazards That May Arise From The Boating, Jet Skiing Or It’s Surrounding Activities Including The Negligence Of Any Other Persons. I Have Already Participated And Understood The Safety Briefing That Was Given To Me And I Agree And Understand Everything That Has Been Advised To Me Prioer To Partaking In This Activity Supplied By Jet Ski Tours Brisbane And Its Staff.

    2. I Hereby Release Waive, Discharge And Agree Not To Sue Jet Ski Tours Brisbane, The Owner And Operator Of Jet Ski Tours Brisbane And Its Facility, Its Officers, Instructors, Agents, Representatives, Volunteers Or Employees (“the Releases”) From All Liability Or Responsibility Whatsoever To Myself, My Personal Representatives, Assigns, Heirs, Estate And Next Of Kin For Any And All Loss Or Damage, And Any Claim Or Demands Whether Direct, Indirect Or Consequential, Therefore On Account Of Injury To Myself Or Family Members Or Dependants For Personal Injury, Property Damage Or Wrongful Death, Whether Passive Or Active And Arising Out Of Or In Relation To Participating And / Or Intructions In Said Activities, Or Any Other Related Jet Ski Operation And Boating Actitivites That May Occur Whether Caused By The Negligence Of The Releases Or Any Other Cause Whatsoever.

    3. I Hereby Assume Full Responsibility For Any Risk Of Bodily Injury, Death Or Property Damage Now And Forever Arising Out Of Or Related To Participation And/or Instructing In Said Activities Or Any Other Related Water Sports Operations, Whether Foreseen Or Unforeseen And Whether Caused By Negligence Of The Releases From Any Loss, Liability, Damage Or Caused That May Occur, Now And Forever Arising Out Of Or Related To Participation And/or Instructing In Said Activities Or Any Other Related Water Sports Operations, Whether Foreseen Or Unforeseen And Whether Caused By Negligence Of The Releases Or Otherwise.

    4. I Hereby Acknowledge That Injuries Received May Be Compound Or Increased By Negligent Rescue Operations Or Procedures Of Releases And Agree That This Waiver And Release Of Liability, Assumption Of Risk And Indemnity, Agreements Extends To All Acts Of Negligence And Releases Including Negligent Rescue Operations And Its Intended To Be As Broad And Inclusive As Permitted By The Laws Of Brisbane, Queensland Australia Where The Activities Are Conducted And That If Any Portion Thereof Is Held Invalid, It Is Agreed That The Balance Shall Not Worth Standing, Continue In Force Legal And Effect.

    5. I Understand That Boating, Jet Skiing Or Related Activites May Seriously Affect Any Medical Or Health Conditions I May Have And Agree To Accept All Responsibiltiy For The Result Of These Activities On My Health And Safety Whether Any Harm Or Aggrevation To My Health And Medical Conditions Was Foreseen Or Unforeseen. I Also Accept That I And Any Of My Dependants Or Persons I Am Responsible For Are Physically And Mentally Fit To Participate In These Actitivites And Capable Of Using The Equipment Provided. I Am Participating In The Activity Out Of My Own Free Will.

    6. I Hereby Agree To Listen To And Comply With Safety Breifings And Instructions From Jet Ski Tours Brisbane Staff Before Participating In Boating And/or Jet Skiing.

    7. I Hereby Agree To Wear All Protective And Safety Equipments Including Life Jackets Where Applicable While Boating, Jet Skiing Or Participating In Any Other Related Water Sports Activities.

    8. I Hereby Agree To Adhere To Maintaining Safe Distances And Keeping Away From Debris And Any Other Objects Under The Water Including The Reef, Markers And Buoys, When Participating In Boating.

    9. I Acknowledge That Jet Ski Tours Brisbane Reserves The Right To Alter The Course With Respect To Any Jet Ski Tours Or Safari(S) Or Boat Cruise If The Weather And River, Sea Conditions Deem It Necessary To Do So For Your Safety And That Of The Tour Guides And Staff. Futhermore I Acknowledge That A Blast Jet Ski Tour Excluding Boating Is A Valid Jet Ski Safari

    6. I Have Read This Waiver And Release Of Liability, Assumption And Risk And Indemnity Agreements, Fully Understand Its Terms, Understand That I Have Waived Substantial Legal Rights By Signing It On Behalf Of Me And My Successors, Am Aware Of Its Legal Consequences And Have Signed It Freely And Voluntarily Without Any Inducement Assurance Or Guarantee Being Made To Me And Intend My Signature To Be A Complete And Unconditional Release Of All Liability To The Greatest Extent Allowed By Law. I Have Had Exercised Or Waived The Opportunity To Personally Discuss With The Tour Guide The Potential Dangers Incidental To Engaging In Boating, Jet Skiing And Related Water Sports Operations.

    7. I Hereby Declare That I Am Of Legal Age And Competent To Sign This Agreement Or, If Not, My Parent Or Legal Guardian Shall Sign The Same On Behalf Of Me And My Successors.

    Jet Ski Brisbane Safety Briefing

    Participant’s Name:



    As parent or guardian, I am signing this WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY on behalf of my minor/child who is over the age of 8 years and agree to be specifically bound to all its terms and conditions. I have read the agreement, fully understand the terms herein, understand that I have waived substantial legal rights by signing it, am aware of its legal consequences, and have signed it freely and voluntarily without any inducement assurance or guarantee being made to me and intend my signature to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law and further agree to indemnify and save and hold harmless the Releases. Additionally, I understand the risk of injury or death or damage to property while boating or jet skiing and I have had the opportunity to personally discuss the boating and jet skiing activities and any related activities with the facilitator/instructor prior to commencement of the minor Child’s boating or jet skiing activities.

    Fathers Name:
    Mothers Name:
    Guardians Name:

    Note:This waiver and release of liability, assumption of risk and indemnity agreement is to be signed by the child (must be OVER the age of 8 years) as a participant as well as by one or both parents or guardian.